Interpreting Equipment

Large events organized in conference venues, be they fixed or temporary, cannot but rely on technical equipment and services.

Booths, consoles, mixers, projectors, speakers, microphones, earphones, monitors and displays are just a part of the entire picture.

Technical support is key to a successful event. That is why interpreters and technical personnel work as a team to deliver the best solutions to the client.

What interpreters need: 

  • Soundproof booth (one per language)
  • Interpreting consoles
  • Audio mixer (+ sound engineer)
  • Signal distribution equipment
  • Earphones for the audience (expected number +10-15%)

Paolo CAPPELLI @interpreterpaul
Interpreter | Translator
Italian - English - Spanish

US +1 (202) 697-9777

Italy +39 (339) 331-5178

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